Gadis Gedik Propa Ohh Amyra !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yes i love the way you lie ;(


Love The Way You Lie Part 2 Lyric

On the first page of our story
the future seemed so bright
then this thing turned out so evil
I don’t know why I’m still surprised
even angels have their wicked schemes
and you take that to new extremes
but you’ll always be my hero
even though you’ve lost your mind
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
but that’s all right because I like the way it hurts
just gonna stand there and hear me cry
but that’s all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Ohhh, I love the way you lie
Now there’s gravel in our voices
glass is shattered from the fight
in this tug of war, you’ll always win
even when I’m right
’cause you feed me fables from your hand
with violent words and empty threats
and it’s sick that all these battles
are what keeps me satisfied
So maybe I’m a masochist
I try to run but I don’t wanna ever leave
til the walls are goin’ up
in smoke with all our memories
This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face
smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
hush baby, speak softly, tell me I’ll be sorry
that you pushed me into the coffee table last night
so I can push you off me
try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
that we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills,
you hit me twice, yeah, but who’s countin’?
I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count
but together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refused counsellin’
this house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
with you I’m in my f-ckin’ mind, without you, I’m out it

p/s : Thanks to you ALAN :(

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nak naek keje dah ! uwaaaa =(


ouhh pejam celik dah 4 hari aku cuti raya cine kn ?
Boleh x nak sambong cuti lagikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk abg jojie ? (buleh la buleh la!)
 gile kau ! keje belambak nok ! 
sesunggohnye ati aku meronta hentak2 kaki xnak naek keje
tp ape daye aku yang x dudok kat taman daye niy haaa. 
kene keje jugakkk knnnnn !
xpelah, keje jekk amyra abas ! JANGAN MALAS ! (muke terpakse!)
ape ek aku buat slame 4 hari niy ? jap jap aku pikir jap ! (hilang ingatan seminit)
haaaa aku ingat, aku ingat ! 
selame aku cuti niy, aku banyak MENCAPAP !
chopp ! ape tu mencapap ? haaa kau kau jgn otak kuning eh !
ape seh aku eja ? publisiti ah. ala cam mencarik PUBLIC untuk SITI gituhhh ! (erk ?) 
ahh pape je lahhh yang korang korang nak pk !
asal kau paham pe tu publisiti sudehh !
4 hari aku jenjalan sambil2 ukur jalan jb haaa. best kan ! niy la keje partime aku kalo korang nak tau ! haha
bestie bestie aku tepon ajak jalan2, makan2, gosip2, tambah2 dose.
mane tak nye, bile ahli ahli kongres tak bertauliah cam kami2 dah berjumpe, mmg hot story sume di cetak lah !
1stly go secret recipe, mencekik sampai tercekik lagi lagi bile SYERRY SYARIDAH AFFNIE belanje makan kannn ! ty kakak ! god bless u ! teehee ! then karaoke sampai tak oke, kemudian gi bazar karat.
bagi u olls yang x tau bazar karat tu hape, meh aku bitau.
bazar karat tu actuallay BAZAR JB. tapi femes ngn nme Bazar Karat oleh belia2 cam kami niy.
kat bazar karat niy ade jual item's yang cam up to date mase kini jugak lah.
sgale bende ade jual. ape kau nak ? baju, sluar, tudung, beg, toys, henpon 2ndhand, bundle, makanan & macam2 lagik lah ! best gak la bazar karat niy.
for the price pulak, quite expensive for me lah. x tau lah for someone else kan !
sebab brg yg same aku jumpe kat kedai biase, jaoh beza hrge nye dgn yang kat bazar karat tau !
biase lah, sewa tapak dah berape tol x ?
jalan punye jalan, tibe2 aku cam terpana oleh satu menatang niy !
bapakkk lawaaaa ! aku nak nanges tgk seluar niy lah ! ADOYAI !
budak yg jual tu bukan maen bodekkk lagiiii !
lawa lah, semat lah, limited lah, ape lah.
price dye bagi, RM80. omjeyyy ! duet kat purse anna sui ciplak aku niy x mengizinkan aku borong ! 
uwaaaaa mama nak nagesss ! seluar niy lawaa laaaaa !
So aku dengan laju nye meletakkan balik hanger tersebot ke tempat yang sepatotnye (surely bukan beg plastik merah)
melangkah longlai meninggalkan WRANGLER ituu....
ouhh SODIH BUTUi !
tapi tapi tapi aku jalan punye jalan punye jalan lagi, tibe2 aku terpana lagi (kali ke2)
aku nmpak baju belang2 puteh kelabu taik tikos yg berlengan panjang.
aku pon dgn lincah pak kadok pegi la tanye ngn pakcik tu bpe hengget.
RM 10 ok !
bak kate shila, xpayah crite banyak nok, BELI JEA ! LANTAKKK
ok. aku dgn laju bukak zip purse aku kuakan not kaler merah.
aku beli baju RM10 ! hahaha sukerrrr ! 
well, after that aku terpana lagi sekali (kali ke3)
cantekkk. tanye kakak yg jual tu, bpe hengget ? RM10 lagikkk !
  ok selaju marathon aku kua kan lagi not merah !
TAHNIAH AMYRA ! awak berbelanje sebanyak RM20 haritu !
gile kau ! zaman inflasi dowh ! jimat jimat ! teehee ! 
  ok now aku sertakan gamba2 yang aku sempat menyempat amek time haritu. ENJOYYYYY !

1st time pakai tudung loose kau !  menggelebeh bagai !

 my babe's : ain & syerry <3 korang !

hey alan ! teehee =)

lepas karaoke ! suare macam haram ! hee

syahmi comel kan ? tau dah. dye mmg comel

Pose maut x hengat !


niy la baju kelabu taik tikos yang aku cakap tu ! lawa x, lawa x ? CAKAP LAWA SEBELOM AKU JETAT!

Thats it bebeh !

Thank you for reading.


MONEY TALKS NOW ! is it ? i dont think so !

What Can Money Do Or Not Do ?

It can buy a house, but not a home.
It can buy a bed, but not a sleep.
It can buy a clock, but not a time.
It can buy you a book, but not knowledge.
It can buy you a position, not respect.
It can buy you medicine, but not health.
It can buy you blood, but not LIFE.
and surely It can buy you everything that you've wished for, but NOT LOVE.

So you see, money isn't everything !

Thank you for reading.

Tips to forget our EX ! chaiyokkk :)

Assalammualaikum :)

Again we meet, here i have some advise to be shared to u all babe's n boy's, how do we handle our emotions & feelings. Hope this could help !
First is acceptance. U have to learn to accept that it is over now. Sour-graping may help but at the end it is still there and u are just faking it. Second, be socially active. Go out with friends, meet new people, have fun. Enjoy the things u used to do. Then, if possible avoid anything that discusses love, relationship (like movies, book) this is for u to get over it first. Fourth, be open to new suitors. get to know new guys/girls . Remember that, past is past. We can never bring them back. If yo past relationship did not work, learn from it and just be thankful that it brings good memories too. There is no immediate remedy to take out the pain from losing someone u love. Nor is there a time frame for one to forget the lost love.what u should do is to be thankful for the days u had with him/her & learned that watever u had can be attained even better with the next relationship. Pain is a lifetime process.everyone goes thru it - mentally, physically & emotionally. U'll feel better if u share this with yo gud frens or family members.  Later on, u and yo exbf/exgf can be friends. But for now, take care of yoself. Don't waste your time dwelling on the past and yo ex-bf because if he/she really loves u as much as u do, he/she will find ways to reconcile. But if not, then it is his/her lost because he/she let a girl/boy like you passed by his/her life. And most importantly. PRAY ! ALLAH loves u. I'm certain that He is preparing that special person for u. Hope this helps.

Thank you fo reading :)

blog under maintenance :)

 Assalammualaikum :)

Aku baru dalam blog niy, so banyak lagi aku nak betol2 kan. Maklum lah, gatal nak ade Blog jugak kannn ! hee !
Besengkang mate, menekan kejadah ape ntah yang ade kt blog niy. aku bedal jek. asal x terBLOCK sudah ! Tunggu aku ade tenage macam lembu balik, baru aku update ini BLOG yeahh ! enjoyy yo reading guy's ! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

tin tin pon pon ! i'm a blogger now ! owyeaaaahhhh !

Assalammualaikum ;)

Firstly first first ,
AKU DAH ADE BLOGGGGGGG u olsssss ! uweeee :D

Omjeyyy ! aku giler excited. Actually gatal tgn dudok kat opis niy xde keghoje nak buat, so,  dgn sepantas kilat buat lah belog. yg aku pk cam cool gile, orang laen dok sebok tulis tulis belog (cait ! orang laen ade, aku pon nak jugerrr ! erk !) 
Utk pgetahuan u ols, aku buat blog niy stakat gatal-gatal, maen-maen ajaaaa ! so aku rse x berape nak follow up sgt blog nit ari2 okeh :)
By the way, name aku dlm i.c, Nurul Amirah binti Abas. Tok, mama, papa, balong, bangah panggil aku MYRA. Kengkawan pulak panggil  SUNDEL, NOK'S, MAKCIK, NENEK, TIPAH, BEDAH, IBU, MAMA & MYRA (tetttt ! gile banyak name aku kn kn ! ) ;p
pape pon, ikot suke ati mak pak korg ler nak pgl aku ape, asalkan x sakit gegendang telinge aku niy mendengar, kire ok lah .  ehik ! :)
basicly, aku d laherkan dlm famly yg kecik jea, mama, papa, balong, bangah, aku. simple, huru hare, gile. THAT'S MY LOVELY FAMILY ! awwww ! tapi, tapi, aku x rapat ngn adek bradek aku sndri, dono why ? cam malu-malu berok gitu bile nak bebual sesame adek bradek. (nyampah ! ) Surely sure sure aku ramai kenalan di luarrrr sanaaaa. abang angkat, kakak angkat, adek angkat, boyfriend angkat (what the tettt !) Most of my time aku abeskan dengan bekerjaaa.
Pas keje, aku balik umah tggu panggilan telepono dari bestie best best pren aku, cik ika yg goyang kaki lagi senang lenang di ghumah untk mengajak aku keluar merayap rayap mlm mlm macam lipas baru bangon tido. (erk ?).

Secondly second second,
u love me, i'll love u too, u hate me, i'll hate u moreeeeeeeeee !
ini yang aku sentiase buat lau ade makhluk-makhluk allah yg x mggunekan kpale hotak's dye dgn btol. agak aku mnyirap, mmg panas benanah meletop la tinge kw aku kejekan ! sometimes i could be so very the girlish, and some of da time very ANNOYYING kind of ! so, beware sblm nak becakap ngn aku tu sile-sile la pandang-pandang, jeling-jeling dulu bak kate M.Daud Kilau yaww !

Thirdly third third,
aku niy pemalas. so aku da penat nak type, nnt jela aku update lagik ! babai ! ngntok ! -_-